Basic Information | |
Type | Star Feather |
Quality | Legendary |
Archive | Pets |
ID: 57224
Azure Oath Feather., Warm-hearted NonnoCan't be used in the World Map.
Binds on equip Movement SPD increased by 11%
Damage dealt increased by 5% When attacking, apply the "Warm Heart" status to self, increasing movement SPD by 4% for 3 seconds, Cooldown 5 seconds
Star Sparkle Series
Warm-hearted Nonno is adorable and loyal, with a caring warmth that never fades, forging a vow that binds forever. Right-click to summon the Azure Oath Feather.. At the same time, only one of the same series, the Oath Star Feather or the Azure Oath Feather., can be used. Archive Points +20
Archive Attack +6