Basic Information
Type Refine Scroll
Quality Legendary
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 46945

Senshi Seven-Star Blessing Refine Scroll

When holding this type of scroll, you can open the "Senshi Refine Interface" from the Senshi management interface.

You can Refine Senshi Seven-Star Aggressive Attention abilities.
Some Senshi require the use of a "Senshi's Blessing Evolution Grimoire" before they can be Refined.
The types of abilities and the range of values that can be Refined will vary depending on the star energy required for each Senshi to Evolve.
There is still a chance to obtain the same ability after Refinement.
Confirming Refinement will replace the original Aggressive Attention effect.
When holding designated star number and general Refine Scrolls, the designated star number Refine Scroll will be consumed first.
When holding both tradable and non-tradable Refine Scrolls of the same star number, the non-tradable version of the scroll will be consumed first.