Basic Information
Type Amulet
Quality Epic
Sell Price 2
Archive Special Items
Detailed Information
ID: 41704

Hamster's Amulet

Binds on equip

The powerful amulet protected by the hamster Shield of Valor grants the "Hamster's Blessing" status upon Use, lasting for 3 hours.
Gain 100 Level "Sunflower Seeds in Pouch" status; when attacked, there's a 30% chance to reduce one Level of "Sunflower Seed

Use this powerful amulet blessed by the hamster's prayer to get a lot of melon seeds. When hungry, it will stimulate the hamster's strong appetite.
Duration 3 hours
"Spirit Beast Amulet Series"
Only one effect of the spirit beast amulet can exist at the same time
Archive Points +16
Archive Health +4