Basic Information
Type Holy Crystal Enchant
Quality Epic
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 41030

Superior Holy Crystal Enchantment (B)‧SPD

SPD increased by 1.5%

Right-click to Use, Apply an Enchantment to the Holy Energy Crystal.
After Use, a second ability will be randomly added. The probabilities for each ability are as follows:
Increase EXP bonus by 5%: 13.26%
Increase drop rate by 5%: 13.26%
When hit, 20% chance to reduce DEF by 10% and increase ATK values and CRIT by 5%, lasts 5 seconds, Cooldown 30 seconds: 4.47%
When hit, 20% chance to reduce SPD values by 10% and increase DEF and HP by 5%, lasts 5 seconds, Cooldown 30 seconds: 22.73%
When hit, 20% chance to reduce ATK values by 10% and increase DEF and HP by 5%, lasts 5 seconds, Cooldown 30 seconds: 22.73%
When hit, if HP is below 20%, recover 10% of max HP, Cooldown 1 minute: 13.26%
When hit, if HP is below 30%, gain a 20% damage reduction shield once, lasts 5 seconds, Cooldown 1 minute: 4.47%
When hit, 30% to gain a 20% damage reduction shield once, and increase ATK values and DEF by 2%, lasts 5 seconds, Cooldown 20 seconds: 4.47%
Increase experience bonus and drop rate by 5%, when hit, 20% chance to recover 10% of max HP and increase All primary stats by 5%, lasts 10 seconds, Cooldown 30 seconds: 1.35%