Basic Information
Type Transfer Scroll
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 40868

Appearances Potential Transfer Ticket


Right-click to Use, which will open the "Transfer Interface".

The Appearances whose potential is transferred will have their Level and Foundry stage reset and all Appearances potentials removed.
The Appearances from which potential is transferred and the Appearances to which potential is transferred must be of the same quality and part in order to proceed with the transfer.
The target Appearances will inherit the potential of the Appearances from which potential is transferred.
The Appearances receiving the potential will be Bound.
The Level and Foundry stage of the Appearances from which potential is transferred will not be inherited.
Even if the potential slots of the Appearances receiving potential are not yet unlocked, the potential will still be inherited.
If the potential slots of the Appearances inheriting the potential are not yet unlocked, the effects of that potential will not be applied.
Can only be used for weapon, head, body, hand, waist, and foot Appearances.