Basic Information
Type Reward Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 32774

Astral Gratitude Gift Box

Can't be stored in account bank.

<Crimson Star> Amaris's Thanksgiving Gift Box

Open to have a chance to get one of the following items:
Floral Pendant x1
Floral Pendant x1
Frostflame Armband x1
Polar Frost Armlet x1
Gear Evolution Scroll x1
Accessory Evolution Scroll x1
Trinket Evolution Scroll x1
Character EXP Book x1
Class EXP Book x1
10 Loyalty Points x1
20 Loyalty Points x1
50 Loyalty Points x1
Additional guaranteed items:
Turkey Steak x1
Classic Pumpkin Pie x1
Senshi Shopping Voucher x1
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv20.來自王姬的問候 Event
Lv20.感恩晚會 Event (Daily)
Lv20.說不出的感謝 Event (Daily)
Product Cost NPC
<Astral Queen>
Crimson Star Amaris