Basic Information
Type Reward Box
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 32264

Happy Logistics Gift Pack

Can't be stored in account bank.
Level Required: 20

A token of appreciation for helping with the delivery.
Click the right mouse button to Use, and upon opening, Obtain a Loot Charm II.
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv20. So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die Delivery (Daily)
Lv40. The Gold Calls to Us Delivery (Daily)
Lv50. Off on a Lambent Delivery (Daily)
Lv60. Fruit of the Dune Delivery (Daily)
Lv65. Beautiful Flower Demon Delivery (Daily)
Lv75. Kitty's Thank You Card Delivery (Daily)
Lv80. Park Stone Appraiser Delivery (Daily)
Lv83. Consolation Flower Delivery (Daily)
Lv93. Vanguard Style Delivery (Daily)
Lv98. Mystical Beast Research Delivery (Daily)
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