Basic Information
Type Reward Box
Quality Special
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31884

Forever 17 Gift Pack

Can't be stored in account bank.
Level Required: 20

Celebrate the eternal 17 with the Fiery Chestnut Celebration Gift Pack.

Upon opening, you have a chance to receive one of the following items:
- Back Accessory - Legendary 17th Anniversary Commemorative Badge x1
- Back Accessory - 17th Anniversary Commemorative Badge x1
- Back Accessory - 17th Anniversary Commemorative Badge (3-Day Edition) x1
- Gear Evolution Scroll x1
- Character EXP Book x1
- Class EXP Book x1
- 10 Loyalty Points x1
- 20 Loyalty Points x1
- 50 Loyalty Points x1

Guaranteed to receive:
- Memories of Being 17 x1
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv20. 來自熱血巴那吉的請求 Event
Lv20. 傳奇周年慶‧幫助巴那吉 Event (Daily)
Lv20. 傳奇週年慶‧憤怒的圓圓鳥 Event (Daily)
Lv20. 傳奇週年慶‧純真的復仇 Event (Daily)
Lv20. 傳奇週年慶‧收藏家的展覽品 Event (Daily)