Basic Information
Type Exchange Item
Quality Epic
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31592

Koharu Small Sticker Card

Sweetheart Girl series sticker cards can be collected and redeemed at The Royal City of Arcadia with "<Swift Youth>Zephyr" for the following rewards.
With 1 Michelle Mini Sticker Card
You can redeem: 1 Regen Potion
With 1 Rita's Little Sticker Card
You can redeem: 1 Senshi Brilliant Gift Box
With 1 Koharu Small Sticker Card
You can redeem: 1 Memory Core Fragment
With 1 Belle Sticker Card
You can redeem: 1 Deluxe Itasha Mount Gift Pack
With 1 Michelle Mini Sticker Card, 1 Rita's Little Sticker Card, 1 Koharu Small Sticker Card, 1 Belle Sticker Card
You can redeem: 1 Sasha's Radiance Gift Box