Basic Information
Type Exchange Item
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31469

Motorcycle Parts and Tires

The tyre of locomotive can be exchanged for the corresponding gift from <Follow the Wind> Gust located in King City (360, 295).Motorcycle parts and screws" x1
Can be exchanged for: "High Order Holy Crystal Shard" x1Motorcycle parts and tires '' x1
Exchangeable: "Regen Potion" x10
Use "locomotive parts and engine" x1
In exchange: "Praetor Ascension Stone" x5Motorcycle parts and screws" x1Motorcycle Parts and Tires '' x1Motorcycle Parts and Engines '' x1
Plus "Car Collection Card" x1
In exchange: "Motorcycle Fan Box" x1Motorcycle parts and screws" x1Motorcycle Parts and Tires '' x1Motorcycle Parts and Engines '' x1
Plus "Speed Car Collection Card" x1
In exchange: "Motorcycle Fans Gift Box" x1