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Type Exchange Item
Quality Epic
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31439

Cute Cat Backpack Parts

Meng Cat's backpack parts can be redeemed for the following rewards at Siderealm City and "<Cat Fanatic> Mi Woo" after collection.
Use "Cat Head Widget" x1
Can be exchanged for: "High Order Holy Crystal Shard" x1
Use "Cat Face Parts" x1
In exchange: "Praetor Shining Gift Box " x1
Using "Cat Body Parts" x1
In exchange: "Amber Praetor Contract" x1
Use "Cat Kit Backpack Parts" x1
In exchange: "Meng Cat Gift Box (Mount)" x1
Use "Meng cat head parts" x1, "Meng cat face parts" x1, "Meng cat body parts" x1, "Meng cat backpack parts" x1
Redeemable: "Azure Star Plus Gift Box" x1