Basic Information
Type Miscellaneous
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31418

Chinese New Year Celebration Admission Ticket

Can't be stored in account bank.

After use, you can enter the New Year celebration venue.
After entering, open the Chinese New Year Treasure Chest in the venue to have the chance to get the following items:Star" character card fragment" word card fragmentGod" word card fragmentWord" Word Card FragmentNew" Word Card FragmentSpring" character card fragmentFast" character card fragmentLe" word card fragment
Blueberry rabbit
Cherry Senshi Cat
Chocolate bear
Vanilla camel
needs to be used in Siderealm City to be transmitted to the Chinese New Year celebration venue, and one item will be deducted.
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv20.新春慶典統籌長 Event (Daily)
Lv20.建築老師傅的工作 Event (Daily)
Lv20.活動規劃員的工作 Event (Daily)
Lv20.維安軍團的工作 Event (Daily)