Basic Information
Type Exchange Item
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 31330

Collectible items from the Word Collection event can be redeemed for corresponding rewards from the <Word Collection Angel> Flash located at The Royal City of Arcadia (397, 299).
Using "L" you can redeem the following item:
Advanced Holy Crystal Shard x1
Using "O" you can redeem the following item:
Senshi Sparkle Gift Box x1
Using "V" you can redeem the following item:
Colorful Facial Accessory Gift Box x1
Using "E" you can redeem the following item:
Warm Heart Nuonuo Gift Box (Mount) x1
Using "L", "O", "V", "E"
you can redeem the following item:
Azure Star Protection Gift Box x1
Using "L", "O", "V", "E"
in combination with "2", "0", "1", "8"
you can redeem the following item:
4-Star Crystal Core Reshuffling Scroll x3