Basic Information
Type Reward Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 30874

Terracottage Racing Bag


A grab bag for those who visit the Terracottage Race. You can receive additional Alpaca Coins during the anniversary.

Right click to use, you may get one of the following:
20-Point Racing Medal Chest x1
50-Point Racing Medal Chest x1
100-Point Racing Medal Chest x1
500-Point Racing Medal Chest x1
Ultra-Ductile Steel Auto Part x1
Azure Terracottage x1
Steam Terracottage x1
Terracottage - Blazing Dark Red Lotus x1
Terracottage - Silver Purple Star x1
Golden Terracottage x1

Additionally obtain: Alpaca Coins x3

This bag contains two items.