Basic Information
Type Miscellaneous
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 30404

Jungle Mortalis Dungeon Pass


This pass allows you to enter Hellfire's Antre in Jungle Mortalis.

Give it to Scarth at Hellfire's Antre (526, 355) to open the gate.
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv55. Expect No Patronym Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55. The Great Escape Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55. It's All Ogre Now Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55. No Sermon This Sunday Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55. At the End of All Things (Party) Battlefront (Daily)
Lv51. Expect No Patronym Main
Lv51. The Great Escape Main
Lv52. It's All Ogre Now Main
Lv52. No Sermon This Sunday Main
Lv52. At the End of All Things Main
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