Basic Information
Type Synthesis Formula
Quality Rare
Max Stack 1000
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 30367

Trial Fragment


A fragment obtained from Aurora Sanctum/ It's made of an unknown material.
Material for crafting Lv45. Ancient Starstones.
Right-click to use.
Material For
Product Materials
Dropped By
NPC Zones
1st Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: Hall of Trials (X: 195, Y: 239)
2nd Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 2nd Hall (X: 195, Y: 239)
3rd Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 3rd Hall (X: 195, Y: 239)
4th Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 4th Hall (X: 195, Y: 231)
5th Hall Trial Illusion
Vladimir Beastfists
(Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 5th Hall (X: 201, Y: 235)
6th Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 6th Hall (X: 195, Y: 239)
7th Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 7th Hall (X: 195, Y: 239)
8th Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 8th Hall (X: 195, Y: 239)
9th Hall Trial Illusion (Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 9th Hall (X: 193, Y: 235)
(Party) Aurora Sanctum: The 10th Hall (X: 201, Y: 235)
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