Basic Information
Type Trinket
Quality Epic
Sell Price 200
Detailed Information
ID: 21680Strengthen:

Eternal Pledge Armband

Untradable Equip Limit
Binds on equip
Level Required: 125
Oathtaker Reputation Requirement: 280000
Durability: 100 / 100

ATK +2038
DEF +0

ATK increased by 667 points
HP increased by 1804 points
SPD +5%
EVA chance +3%
All Attributes +4%
All Res +3%
DMG dealt increased by 3%, ATK Value increased by 4%
Overall ability increases by 5%, hit rate increases by 5%

Hieratic Eternal Oath Set (2/2)
Eternal Pledge Armband
Increase HP by 12%

+20 Mad Lv1:Critical strike +1%
+30 Mad Lv2:Critical Strike +2%
+40 Healthy:Skill treatment +5%
+50 Mad Refinement Lv1ATK increases by 2%
+60 Mad Refinement Lv2ATK Value increases by 3%
+70 True Element Water CrystalElemental skill DMG increases by 8%

"The Eternal Oath bestows the armlet upon the hero."
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