Basic Information
Type Weapon
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 661
Detailed Information
ID: 21568Strengthen:

The Obsession of the Source of Misfortune

Binds on equip
Level Required: 115
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

ATK +11846
Max HP +11159
DEF Value increased by 5%
HP Value increased by 10%
When attacked, there is a 10% chance to increase DEF Value by 25%, EVA Value by 25%, gain 2% All Resistance Value, absorb 8000 points of DMG equivalent to 30% of the DMG, lasting for 15 seconds.

HP increased by 1918 points
DEF Value increased by 242 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +3%
DMG taken -3%
Attack Speed +8%, Accuracy +5%
The chance of ATK increases by 2975 points when attacking.
Deal an extra 8% DMG when the target's HP is below 20%
ATK Value increased by 5%, CRIT DMG Value increased by 7%

+20 Blade Slash Lv1ATK increases by 2%
+30 Blade Slash Lv2ATK Value increases by 3%
+40 Blue body san cabinet BUFFATK Value increases by 5%
+50 Shadow Link Lv1SPD Value increases by 2%
+60 Shadow Lv2SPD Value increases by 3%
+70 True CraftsmanshipSkill DMG increased by 5%

"Selfish desires, malice, and obsessions envelop it, powerful yet filled with sin, only those with the strength of Willpower to withstand its onslaught can possess it."
Created By
Materials Info
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 99~390 31000