Basic Information
Type Feet
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 344
Detailed Information
ID: 21365Strengthen:

Rainy Moon's Dragon Scorn

Binds on equip
Level Required: 108
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +1327
ATK +2288
Max HP +0
Increase DMG by 5%

HP increased by 950 points.
DEF Value increased by 154 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +3%
DMG taken -3%
EVA +5%, Movement SPD +3%
Chance to recover 97 HP when hit
All Resistances increase by 3%, HP increases by 2%
All abilities increase by 4%, DEF Value increases by 3%.

Rainmoon Set (3/3)
Rainy Moon's Dragon Scorn
ATK boost 5%, damage dealt increased by 10%
When attacking, there is a 5% chance to gain the "Dark Dragon Hatred Destruction" state, which lasts for 10 seconds. Gain a shield that can block 50% of damage 10 times. During this time, there is a 10% chance to deal 50% secondary damage.
When the shield time has not ended, and the shield value is consumed to 0, the "Dragon Soul Array" state is added to itself, increasing its own all attributes by 10%, causing 5% damage, and sealing one random attribute skill of the enemy for 5 seconds. The player has no effect.
When the shield time ends, if there is still shield value, the surrounding enemies will be附加 "Dragon Heart Break" state, reducing their defense value by 30% and taking 60% attack value damage every second for 5 seconds.

+20 Stealth Shadow Lv1EVA Value increases by 2%
+30 Stealth Shadow Lv2EVA Value increases by 3%
+40 Challenge WillpowerDeal DMG to the Boss +8%
+50 Steadiness Lv1DEF Value increases by 2%
+60 Steadiness Lv2DEF Value increased by 3%
+70 True Hammer of Collapse DefenseWhen attacking, there is a 10% chance to reduce the target's SPD by 30%, lasting for 5 seconds.

"The mission bestowed by the Dragon God, only the descendants of the God of the Skies are worthy to stand here!"
Created By
Materials Info
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 198~780 31000