Basic Information
Type Necklace
Quality Epic
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 19542Strengthen:

Seasonal Legacy Necklace (T4)

Level Required: 1
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +522
CRIT +929
Max HP +0
CRIT +5%

HP increased by 1822 points
DEF Value increased by 222 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +2.5%
DMG taken -2%
EVA rate increased by 3%, movement speed increased by 2%
Chance to recover 93 HP when hit
Deal an extra 6% DMG when the target's HP is below 20%
All Resistance increased by 3%, DMG taken reduced by 3%, EVA rate increased by 5%

賽季傳承T4飾 (3/3)
Seasonal Legacy Necklace (T4)
Increase all attributes by 3%.
When attacked, there is a 40% chance to increase DEF values by 277 points. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts for 15 seconds.
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