Basic Information
Type Necklace
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 314
Detailed Information
ID: 18821Strengthen:

Sunny's King Crown Necklace

Binds on equip
Level Required: 130
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +746
ATK +1982
Max HP +0
ATK Value increased by 3%
CRIT Value increased by 5%

HP increased by 2062 points.
DEF Value increased by 272 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +2.5%
DMG taken -2%
EVA rate increased by 3%, movement speed increased by 2%
Chance to recover 121 HP when hit
All Resistances increase by 2%, HP increases by 3%, DEF increases by 3%
All Resistance increased by 3%, DMG taken reduced by 3%, EVA rate increased by 5%

Bright Sun Tigers Set (3/3)
Sunny's King Crown Necklace
10% chance to reduce damage taken by 22% and increase DEF by 12% for 10 seconds when hit.

+20 Shield of Thought Lv1DEF Value increased by 2%
+30 Shield of Thought Lv2DEF Value increased by 3%
+40 Explosive-Resistant ArmorThe chance of receiving a CRIT is reduced by 11%
+50 Strong Mind Lv1Hit rate increases by 2%
+60 Strong Mind Lv2Hit rate increases by 3%
+70 True Impact AbsorptionReduce received CRIT DMG by 8%

The Necklace worn close to the skin on sunny days symbolizes the absolute honor of Wang Mian.
Created By
Materials Info
Contained In
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 198~780 40000