Basic Information
Type Trinket
Quality Rare
Sell Price 318
Detailed Information
ID: 17924Strengthen:

Ebony Gun Tassel

Equip Limit Binds on equip
Level Required: 115
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +914
ATK Value increases by 607 points, there is a 10% chance to increase SPD by 3% when attacked, lasting for 15 seconds.

ATK increased by 595 points
HP increased by 1732 points
SPD +5%
EVA chance +3%
All Attributes +4%
All Res +3%
DMG dealt increased by 3%, ATK Value increased by 4%
Overall ability increases by 5%, hit rate increases by 5%

"With a glint as cold as frost and blood as dark as ink, the spear strikes like a dragon, Unrivaled in battle."
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