Basic Information
Type Chest
Quality Epic
Sell Price 556
Detailed Information
ID: 17914Strengthen:

Guardian's War Armor

Level Required: 120
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +2654
Max HP +8120
Defense +5%

HP increased by 998 points
DEF Value increased by 202 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +3%
DMG taken -3%
EVA +5%, Movement SPD +3%
Chance to recover 109 HP when hit
All Resistances increase by 4%, HP increases by 3%
All abilities increase by 4%, DEF Value increases by 3%.

Guardian Will Set (2/2)
Guardian's War Armor
CRIT chance increased by 3%
DEF value increased by 3%

+20 Unfazed 1DEF Value increased by 2%
+30 Unfazed 2DEF Value increased by 3%
+40 Magic Words of DefenseElemental, Arcane resistance increased by 7%
+50 Resilience Lv1HP increased by 2%
+60 Resilience Lv2HP increased by 3%
+70 True Omniscience and OmnipotenceAll abilities increased by 3%
Created By
Materials Info
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 99~390 55000