Basic Information
Type Waist
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 226
Detailed Information
ID: 17456Strengthen:

Chaos's Loyalty

Binds on equip
Level Required: 113
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +1152
ATK +2485
Max HP +0
EVA +3%
DEF +5%

HP increased by 950 points.
DEF Value increased by 154 points
All Res +3%
Max HP +3%
DMG taken -3%
EVA +5%, Movement SPD +3%
Chance to recover 97 HP when hit
All Resistances increase by 4%, HP increases by 3%
All abilities increase by 4%, DEF Value increases by 3%.

Chaos of Khaos Set (3/3)
Chaos's Loyalty
Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
When taking damage, there is a 5% chance to activate Elude into Shadows, during which incoming damage is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds.

+20 Armor Lv1HP increased by 2%
+30 Armor Lv2HP increased by 3%
+40 SteadyAll Resistance increased by 5%
+50 Firm Principle Lv1DEF Value increased by 2%
+60 Firm Principle Lv2DEF Value increased by 3%
+70 True Arrow ReturnWhen receiving an ATK, there is a 10% chance to reflect 30% of the DMG back to the attacker, lasting for 5 seconds.

"Containing powerful magical forces, the weak not only cannot dominate it but will also suffer from Countercharge."
Created By
Materials Info
Dropped By
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 120 99~390 31000