Basic Information
Type Plants/Minerals
Quality Special
Max Stack 999
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 16618

Dragon Bellflower

Level Required: 10

An annual herb, the whole grass is 30-120 cm high; the stem is erect, with many branches; ovate or oblong leaves are alternate, nearly entire; white flowers bloom in summer, 4-10 flowers form a corymbose inflorescence; spherical berries, black purple when ripe, both berries and leaves are edible.
Using it can gain 5 points of Senshi experience points.
Harvesting requires production rank: Gathering Certificate Rank 110
Obtained proficiency digital rank cap: Gathering Certificate Rank 120
Dropped By
Type Min Level Max Level EXP Size Points
Gathering 110 120 33~94 7~42 32