Basic Information
Type Aquatic Species
Quality Epic
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 16612


Level Required: 10

This fish resembles a marlin, but its snout is a flat, sword-shaped protrusion that is significantly elongated. It is a food fish with white meat that has a slightly pinkish tinge. The meat is soft and fatty, making it a good material for sashimi. It can also be made into dishes such as marlin soup and fish balls. It is also a famous game fish.
Required production rank to capture: Fishing License Rank 110
Maximum proficiency digital rank obtained: Fishing License Rank 120
Dropped By
Type Min Level Max Level QTE Health QTE Amt QTE Time EXP Size Points
Fishing 110 120 6480 1 1.5s 134~322 204~436 112