Basic Information
Type Synthesis Formula
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 15990

5-Star Evolve Crystal Fragments


The crystal fragments shining with Radiance seem to have a mysterious purpose.
can be used to create a 5-star Evolve crystal through the Synthesize system.
Synthesizing requires 5 fragments, 30 1-star Evolve Starstones, and 800 gold.
Right-click to open the Synthesize interface.
Material For
Product Materials Cost
Contained In
Dropped By
NPC Zones
Wind Element Envoy
(Party) Sky Garden (X: 744, Y: 715)
Water Element Envoy
(Party) Sky Garden (X: 744, Y: 715)
Fire Element Envoy
(Party) Sky Garden (X: 744, Y: 715)
Vicious Manipulator
(Party) Sky Garden (X: 744, Y: 715)
Dark Manipulator
(Party) Sky Garden (X: 744, Y: 715)
Tomb Raider
Gergere's Shadow
(Party) Oracular Mausoleum - 5th Floor (X: 668, Y: 380)
Tomb Raider Leader
Cameron's Shadow
(Party) Oracular Mausoleum - 10th Floor (X: 683, Y: 380)
Tomb Raider
Gergere's Phantom
(Party) Oracular Mausoleum - 15th Floor (X: 668, Y: 380)
Tomb Raider Leader
Cameron's Phantom
(Party) Oracular Mausoleum - 20th Floor (X: 683, Y: 380)
Tomb Raider
(Party) Oracular Mausoleum - 25th Floor (X: 668, Y: 380)
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