Basic Information
Type Plants/Minerals
Quality Special
Max Stack 999
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 15360


Level Required: 10

Perennial erect herb, with many fleshy conical roots. The whole plant has hard thorns, densely covered with white soft hairs; leaves alternate, pinnately divided, leaflets with unequal shallow cracks and prickles, with long hairs on both sides. Capitulum inflorescence, purple-red flowers in early summer; oblong slightly flattened achenes.
Using it can gain 5 Starstone experience points.
Harvesting requires production rank: Gathering Certificate Rank 100
Obtained proficiency digital rank cap: Gathering Certificate Rank 110
Dropped By
Type Min Level Max Level EXP Size Points
Gathering 100 110 31~92 7~42 31