Basic Information
Type Aquatic Species
Quality Special
Max Stack 999
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 15350

Rice Paddy Fish

Level Required: 10

Rice Paddy Fish, also known as fish-eye mother or jumping fish. They live in flatland ponds, marshes, and slow-moving rivers, especially where aquatic plants are abundant. They have a strong tolerance to salinity and high temperatures, and can even survive in salt fields or hot springs.
After using , you can obtain 5 Starstone experience points.
Required production tier for capture: Fishing License Tier 110
Maximum skill tier obtained: Fishing License Tier 110
Press "Ctrl + right-click" on stackable items to use them all at once and gain experience points with .
Dropped By
Type Min Level Max Level EXP Size Points
Fishing 100 110 38~132 42~123 31