Basic Information
Type Necklace
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 314
Detailed Information
ID: 14367Strengthen:

Cameron's Demonic Necklace

Binds on equip
Level Required: 95
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +437
CRIT +790
Max HP +0
ATK +3%
CRIT +5%

ATK +499
CRIT DMG +7.5%
CRIT chance +2.5%
DMG dealt +2%
Attack speed increased by 6%, hit rate increased by 3%
The chance of ATK increases by 2495 points when attacking.
Deal an extra 6% DMG when the target's HP is below 20%
DMG increased by 5%, attack speed increased by 7%

Cameron's Set (3/3)
Cameron's Demonic Necklace
ATK +5%
Every attack has a 10% chance to increase target's DMG taken +8%, decreasing ATK and DEF by 10% for 5 sec.

+20 Imposing Lv1:Defense +1%
+30 Imposing Lv2:Defense +2%
+40 Mighty ArmorReceived CRIT Strike -8%

Cameron has imbued this necklace with magical energy. It releases an intense power every so often.
Created By
Materials Info
Contained In
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 99~390 40000