Basic Information
Type Equipment Chest
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 218
Detailed Information
ID: 13970

Lv88. Equipment Chest


A firm chest that contains a piece of rare equipment.
Click the right button to remove the rare equipment.
Contained In
Dropped By
NPC Zones
Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 792, Y: 1077)
<Abyssal Walker>
Bernie Reid
Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 632, Y: 655)
<Bernie Reid's Second Mate> Sam Dickie Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 823, Y: 726)
<Bernie Reid's First Mate> Mariat Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 743, Y: 654)
<Bernie Reid's Lioness> Tauta Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 683, Y: 1075)
Bernie Reid's Pirate Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 1032, Y: 689)
Bernie Reid's Pirate Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 1029, Y: 688)
Bernie Reid's Sorcerer Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 760, Y: 665)
Bernie Reid's Female Pirate Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 639, Y: 1075)
Pirate Eagle Shadow Crevice (Party) (X: 1032, Y: 688)
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