Basic Information
Type Cloak
Quality Epic
Sell Price 389
Detailed Information
ID: 13715Strengthen:

Dragon Slayer's Cloak

Level Required: 90
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +527
ATK +1453
Max HP +0
Evasion +3%

Max HP +1678
DEF +192
All Res +3%
Max HP +2.5%
DMG taken -2%
EVA rate increased by 3%, movement speed increased by 2%
There's a chance to recover 85 HP when hit.
Deal an extra 4% DMG when the target's HP is below 20%
DMG increased by 3%, attack speed increased by 5%

Dragon Slaying Jewelry Set (3/3)
Dragon Slayer's Cloak
Reduce damage taken by 2%
Restores 5661 HP when attacked. This state can only be triggered once every 10 seconds.

+20 Flash Lv1:Evasion +1%
+30 Flash Lv2:Evasion +2%
+40 Speed Hunting10% chance of reducing target's Attack Speed by 15% during attack. Lasts for 5 seconds
Created By
Materials Info
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 198~780 20000