Basic Information
Type Weapon
Quality Legendary
Sell Price 511
Detailed Information
ID: 13248Strengthen:

Beguiling Force

Binds on equip
Level Required: 85
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

ATK +6887
CRIT +1592
ATK +4%
CRIT +5%
Attacking has a 5% chance to cause the next attack to CRIT and grant CRIT DMG +20%.

ATK +451
CRIT chance +3%
DMG dealt +3%
Attack Speed +8%, Accuracy +5%
The chance of ATK increases by 2255 points during an ATK
Deal an extra 8% DMG when the target's HP is below 20%
ATK Value increased by 3%, CRIT DMG Value increased by 5%

+20 Blade Lv1:Attack +1%
+30 Blade Lv2:Attack +2%
+40 Critical:Critical Strike DMG +5%

"A weapon forged by the amassment of dark material. It is said that those who come too close to the dark energies shall suffer terrible fates."

Weapon type and stats will change when switching classes.
Created By
Materials Info
Contained In
Type Max Level EXP Points
Crafting 50 99~390 80000