Basic Information
Type Farming
Quality Special
Max Stack 999
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 12723

Angel Fruit

Level Required: 10

A fruit that never rots. Its fans say that it gets sweeter the longer it grows.
Material For
Product Materials Cost
Type Cost Max Level EXP Size Points
Farming 6
70 105~225 38~31 420
Standard Time Reduced Time Instant Harvest Genes
Budding Phase: 00:40:00
Growing Phase: 00:26:40
Mature Phase: 00:13:20
Budding Phase: 00:30:00
Growing Phase: 00:20:00
Mature Phase: 00:10:00
Budding Phase: 44

Growing Phase: 23

Mature Phase: 11
Warping: 25
Gigantism: 100
Cornucopia: 15