Basic Information
Type Trinket
Quality Epic
Cost 15
Sell Price 1
Detailed Information
ID: 10736Strengthen:

Titan's Thunderous Drum

Untradable Equip Limit
Level Required: 25
Battlefiend Reputation Requirement: 3800
Durability: 100 / 100

ATK +186
DEF +0
Your attacks have a 5% chance to deal additional DMG equal to 20% of your ATK stat.

ATK +187
HP +1228
SPD +4%
EVA chance +2%
All Attributes +3%
All Res +3%
The DMG caused increases by 2%
All abilities increase by 5%

"The skin on this drum is incredibly hard. Only those with prodigious strength have any chance of sounding a beat."
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