Basic Information
Type Head
Quality Common
Cost 241
Sell Price 24
Detailed Information
ID: 10035Strengthen:

Feather Hat

Level Required: 15
Fusion Boost:
Durability: 100 / 100

DEF +46
Max HP +313

Max HP +470
DEF +28
All Res +1%
Max HP +1%
DMG taken -1%
EVA rate increased by 3%, movement speed increased by 2%
Chance to recover 66 HP when hit
All Resistances increase by 4%, HP increases by 3%
Overall ability increases by 3%, DEF Value increases by 2%
Dropped By
Sold By
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv15. The Lawn Patrol Main
Lv15. The Lawn Patrol Main
Lv15. The Lawn Patrol Main