Basic Information
Type Autumn Leaf Canyon
Story Branches 8
Level 80
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv80. Intense Sound?

Asuna and Valkyria, this master-disciple pair, have appeared. What kind of training are they going to undergo, and what will happen along the way...
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv80. Intense Sound?
What conflict exactly happened?
Let's see who is in Combatant's.
Lv80. Training Grounds
You recommend a suitable place to them and go there together.
You can choose to move forward, there's a forest, but it's filled with many monsters.
Walk backwards, there is a large open space there, you can fight to your heart's content as a Combatant!
Lv8. Jungle Special Training
Monsters suddenly appeared, and the meteor was poisoned. What should we do?
Valkyria went to look for Herb, you protect the Shooting Star nearby!
You go Gathering Herb, Valkyria takes care of the Shooting Star!
Lv8. Battle Practice
What move should I use when suddenly facing a battle with someone?
ATK the Shooting Star's hand, and flick the sword away!
ATK the Shooting Star's foot, causing her to lose balance and fall!
Lv80. Protect Asuna
Defeat the incoming monsters.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30
Lv80. Search for Herb
Embark on the Quest for Herb
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6
Lv80. From the Sky
This move seems familiar...
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv80. Feint Move
Got it!~
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +24