Basic Information
Type Snowland Plains
Story Branches 8
Level 80
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv80. Combatant's?!

Fandela and Aflallo appeared together, initially thought to be certain of enemies. Unexpectedly, the two were just out for a trip, yet things developed in an Unexpected direction.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv80. Combatant's?!
Curious about what happened when two skilled fighters appeared at the same time.
What happened?
Lv8. Decision on Where to Go
You have decided the direction for Aflallo and Fandela's journey and set forth together.
You can choose to go east. There aren't many people in the east, there might be monsters.
You can choose to go west, where there are more people, and you might be able to gather useful information.
Lv80. Defeat the monster?
What will happen next when the monsters suddenly appear?
Since it's ominous, defeat it!
Perhaps observe again, to confirm the source of this ominous Aura.
Level 80. Observation
The sudden event caused Vandala to lose her sanity. What should she do next?
Advance to the attack with Fandela!
Stop Fandela together with Aflallo.
Lv80. Attack Together
So, the original text is in Chinese (Traditional) and it says:<br><br>"原來西方大陸能輕易發現吸血鬼嗎?"<br><br>Based on the provided glossary, the translation would be:<br><br>"So, can vampires be easily found in the Western continent?"<br><br>Please note that I have applied the glossary term "鬼" as "vampires" since it is the closest match in terms of meaning.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30
Lv8. Unexpected Discovery
Is this the devil's lair?
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6
Lv8. Bloodline of Blood
People can be deceiving.
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv8. Sin
Is this the ease of a skilled fighter in battle?
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +24