Basic Information
Type Snowland Plains
Story Branches 5
Level 80
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv80. The Quarreling Duo

Rita and Duet are bickering as usual, but this time, it's different because you're involved. Can you, who keeps misspeaking, resolve this matter?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv80. The Quarreling Duo
What happened in the end?
This couple is at it again, bickering. Let's not disturb them!
Lv8. Break the Ice
Listen to what Bibi and Xiao Lita are arguing about.
You feel a wave of embarrassment, not knowing what to say.
Lv8. Triangle
Duo suddenly appeared, making the problem even more complicated... right?
Actually, Duo likes Rita, so he can't answer this kind of question!
Duet, rather than discussing this, you and Rita actually like each other, right?
Lv80. Awkward Problem-Solving Method
Strange, doesn't Duo like Rita very much?
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv80. Brute Force Solution Method
Don't you like Rita very much?
Rewards for first completion: