Basic Information
Type Snowland Plains
Story Branches 4
Level 80
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv80. Gogo's Cookies

Gogo's cookies are missing, and it is said that they were a gift from Shirley. For Gogo, those cookies were a symbol of precious friendship. However, Gogo is heartbroken because she can't find the cookies.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv80. Gogo's Cookies
Huh? Is that Gogo?
Gogo is in a hurry to find cookies, so he ran off, and you decide to follow.
Lv8. Search Together
It seems like Gogo is feeling sad. What happened?
Follow Gogo, let's find the cookies together.
Lv80. The Final Place
Gogo hurriedly searched for cookies and ran away, so you decided to follow.
Go to the last unexplored place and see what you can find!
Lv80. Gogo and Shirley
Follow Guoguo to search for cookies.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30