Basic Information
Type Northern Island
Story Branches 5
Level 70
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lvl 70. Meeting With Tootsie

Bulbird Adventurer, Tootsie, is out exploring again. What new event will happen this time?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lvl 70. Meeting With Tootsie
Running into Bulbird Adventurer, Tootsie, again. Say hello to him!
An unfamiliar tune reaches your ears.
Lvl 70. A Strange Song
An unheard of strange song is coming from the front. Go check it out!
You had no idea Alfred had such an incredible singing voice!
Lvl 70. Coincidence
It seems that following Tootsie will be an interesting joruney. Team up with him temporarily!
What's to fight about? Isn't Setou Ushimaru supposed to mind-blowingly delicious?
This calls for a coin toss!
Lvl 70. The Legendary Dish
In order to complete the dish, pay a visit to the Bromlet God of Cookery, Bromlet!
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12
Lvl 70. Dining Together
Pasquale and Mathilda have finally decided on their cooking styles. Let's get started!
Rewards for first completion:
SPD +24