Basic Information
Type Northern Island
Story Branches 5
Level 70
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lvl 70. Two Conversing People

You meet a child on your journey and he seems to be undergoing a series of tests. Can he succesfully pass all of them?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lvl 70. Two Conversing People
Look at the child's eager face. What exactly are they doing?
Could it be that this riddle is too difficult?
Lvl 70. The Second Test
The child has passed the first test. Moving on to the next!
How can one fit all of the stars in the sky on a single sheet of paper?
Lvl 70. The Toughest Question
The second test is also passed. Let's move on to the final test!
That's an easy one! The answer is three bottles, of course!
He cannot answer and hopes that the child will.
Lvl 70. Correct Answers?
I did not expect the last question to be answered by me. Is the answer correct?
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lvl 70. The Boy's Answers
Can the child answer correctly?
Rewards for first completion: