Basic Information
Type Northern Barrens
Story Branches 5
Level 50
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv50. Dream Girl

Hartley heeds Cole's advice and heads to the Northern Barrens. Will he wreak revenge on the person who killed his father? Or, will something strange happen to him again?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv50. Dream Girl
Go and check on Hartley.
Silima, you know Hartley?
Lv50. Abandoned Village
Go to the village to find Silima's father.
Are we really just staying put and doing nothing?
Lv50. The Chosen One
Go to the altar to find Silima's father.
What might be in the mysterious box?
Hartley, maybe you want to console Silima?
Lv50. The Missing Key
Solve the mystery of the altar to discover the next step to your journey.
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12
Lv50. The Missing Key
Solve the mystery of the altar to discover the next step to your journey.
Rewards for first completion:
SPD +24