Basic Information
Type Northern Barrens
Story Branches 4
Level 50
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv50. A New Lead

Gallywix is a gribblin that claims to commune with ancient deities. But you don't really buy it.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv50. A New Lead
Ask Gallywix what he's doing here. But keep an eye on that scoundrel!
How have you been?
Lv50. Gribblin Rivalry
Gallywix has a new lead. Follow him and see how things will play out.
Did he just say he's your brother? You've got a sibling?
Lv50. The Other Dimension
Follow Gallywix in his murderous pursuit of Kallywix.
Isn't that him just over there?
Lv50. Strange New Power
Return to your dimension with Gallywix.
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6