Basic Information
Type Western Rainforest
Story Branches 5
Level 48
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv48. Exphalagon

Heloise is worried that adventurers who have taken Exphalagon will endanger the innocents in Western Rainforest. While trying to find the source of the trouble, she stumbles across a conspiracy.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv48. Exphalagon
Draw the elf girl's attention!
Times like these? What happened?
Lv48. Guinea Pig
Follow Heloise and try to uncover the secret laboratory.
We must stop their evil experiment!
Let's wait and see what happens!
Lv48. Sorry, Professor X
Help Heloise exterminate the mutant!
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12
Lv48. A Mercy Killing
Get information from the injured researcher.
AAS? The Arcadian Academy of Science? What do they have to do with this?
Lv48. Sorry, Professor X
Help Heloise exterminate the mutant!
Rewards for first completion:
SPD +24