Basic Information
Type Central Plain
Story Branches 4
Level 40
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv45. Star Circus

The much anticipated Star Circus has come to Central Plain. Can Clyde take this opportunity to join the circus and prove himself to his sweetheart?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv45. Star Circus
Talk to the young man and see if you can help him out.
Star Circus? What is that?
Lv45. The Big Top
Go to the circus and ask how to join up.
Clyde... do you still want to join?
Lv45. Circus Jerk
Ask the Deputy Ringmaster if Clyde can join the circus.
Deputy Ringmaster... everything okay? Are you still with us?
Lv45. Pants on Fire
Ask the Ringmaster if he'll take Clyde.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30