Basic Information
Type Central Desert
Story Branches 4
Level 30
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv30. The Exphalagon Incident

Finchley, who used to be stationed on the Southern Prairie, has witnessed the horrifying Exphalagon incidents. Investigations have implicated a well known alchemist. Finchley rushes off to the Central Desert to find out the truth.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv30. The Exphalagon Incident
Isn't that Finchley of the Southern Prairie? What's happened?
What is it? (whispering)
Lv30. Buggin'
Secretly follow Finchley to investigate!
Go take a closer look!
Lv30. Mutant Mantiscythe
Follow the man to see what he's up to!
Go take a closer look!
Lv30. The Itsy Bitsy Mantiscythe
Exterminate the Toxic Mantiscythes before they cause any more trouble!
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30