Basic Information
Type Eastern Forest
Story Branches 5
Level 15
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv15. That's No Bank Teller!

To most people, Hartley is just a bank teller. What most don't know is that he's been secretly investigating the murder of his father. After many years, he stumbles across Rodney who purports to know something about the crime.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv15. That's No Bank Teller!
Isn't that Bank Teller Hartley? Why's he here? Go and ask!
How come you're here? Don't you have work to do at the bank?
Lv15. Mysterious Old Man
Accompany Hartley on his quest to find Rodney!
Excuse me, but are you Rodney?
Lv15. Mirror, Mirror
Follow Hartley to the place Rodney mentioned!
Select 2 first, then select 4.
Select 4 first, then select 2.
Lv15. Phoenix Mirror
Take the phoenix mirror and go visit Rodney!
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12
Lv15. Phoenix Mirror
Take the phoenix mirror and go visit Rodney!
Rewards for first completion:
SPD +24