Basic Information
Type Eastern Forest
Story Branches 4
Level 15
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv15. Biomedicine

Sasha is searching for an herbal cure to memory loss. There is a particular type of grass that thrives near water and shines with light. You accompany Sasha to find it.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv15. Biomedicine
The girl up ahead seems to be looking for something. Should you help her?
Why not! It's not like I have to save the world or anything...
Lv15. Caught in the Act?
There may be luna grass up ahead. Go and investigate!
Let's go take a look!
Lv15. Luna Grass
There's another place where luna grass might be found. Go take a look!
Call Sasha over to have a look.
Lv15. Sasha's Flight
Where has Sasha flown to? Catch up with her!
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30