Basic Information
Type Southern Prairie
Story Branches 4
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv1. The Muttering Man

Billy is in pursuit of his true love, Irina. He's determined to solve a legendary riddle to win not only a mega mecha, but also Irina's heart. Curious to see the riddle, you decide to follow.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv1. The Muttering Man
A man up ahead is muttering to himself as he approaches you. Who could it be?
Why not? I'm only interested in solving the riddle anyway!
Lv1. It Doesn't Hurt to Try... or Does It?
Follow Billy and solve the riddle.
Wait a minute... Are you absolutely sure this is the place?
Lv1. Human Hater
Did the summoning work? Go and see.
Did Alexander just say he was gonna kill all humans? It doesn't make sense!
Lv1. Bahamut
Billy is chasing Bahamut. Catch up with him.
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6